Our dormitory

Our dormitory is open for trainees, students and the employees of educational institutions.
In total there are 144 fully furnished rooms available of different types.
We offer short-term contracts and open-ended contracts depending on your needs.

Room amenities
  • Free Wi-Fi access

  • Bed with a mattress

  • Wardrobe

  • Desk and chair

  • Hot-plates

  • Refrigerator

  • Book-shelfs

  • Sink and Tap

  • Mirror and cosmetics-shelf

Common areas
  • 2 bathrooms per floor, cleaned threetimes per week

  • Laundry-room & drying-room

  • TV room & social-rooms

  • Parking-lot

  • Bicycle lot

  • Elevator

  • Balcony

  • Barbecue area

  • Basketball-net & table-tennis area

  • Free janitor-service

  • Dormitory-management onsite

Surrounding area
  • Several bus-stop to all educational and adiminstrative institutions within a radius of 200m

  • Less than 10min to city-center by bus

  • Train-stop "Erkauter Weg" only 500m away

  • Several supermarkets, shops, medical-practices and fast-food restaurants within a radius of 300m

  • 600m footwalk to the Philosophikum-2 area of the JLU

  • 500m to the FTU

  • 300m to the nearest police-station

  • 50m to the nearest first-aid post

Our rooms

Find a room that is suitable for you and your own needs

You want to have your own room, even as a larger corner room?
Or two of you would like to move into a double room?
Even have your own bathroom in a triplet room?
Look around and find what suits you best.

360.00 € per month
800.00 € Deposit
10.70 m²
Room request
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410.00 € per month
800.00 € Deposit
14.50 m²
Room request
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390.00 € per month
800.00 € Deposit
9.00 m²
Room request
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450.00 € per month
800.00 € Deposit
11.50 m²
Room request
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